Home Home Décor Shower Enclosures & Trays – A Guide for First Time Buyers

Shower Enclosures & Trays – A Guide for First Time Buyers

by William beel

The shower enclosures and trays have become very popular in the last few decades. Now the modern bathrooms feel incomplete without them. The primary purpose of the shower cubicles is to provide a separate area in the bathroom for showering.  In the absence of such a separate area, it won’t be easy to contain water within the shower area. The shower curtains have long been used for such purpose; however, they require periodic washing and replacement. In addition to that, curtains are not aesthetically pleasing. 

Installing a shower cubicle will bring a big change in the bathroom. It is a major investment, therefore should be carried out with careful consideration. As bathrooms can be of different layouts, the cubicles can be found in different shapes. So, you have no problem fitting them in the bathroom. However, if it’s your first time, it may be difficult for you to decide which shower cubicle to buy for your home. And what you need to consider before getting ahead with your purchase. 

Here we have discussed everything that will help you to make a better choice for your bathroom. 

Keep few things in mind for Shower Enclosures and Trays

The shower curtains are no more considered appropriate for shower enclosures and trays. Although, these were simple and nothing much required for using them. However, these are much more complicated and require several considerations to make the right choice. 

Consider Available Space in the Bathroom.

The first thing that you should consider is the availability of the space in your bathroom. Is it a small or big bathroom? is there enough space available in the bathroom? You may have many options for shower cubicles, is this space is enough to accommodate any size. We suggest you start by taking a measurement. Because unless you have known about the cubicle required, it will not be possible to progress further you the shower enclosure installation. Once you have the answer to all these questions, you can move further.

Design of Shower Enclosures and Trays 

As discussed earlier, shower cubicles are offered in different shapes like a square, quadrant, and rectangular, etc. Each of these shapes has its own pros and cons. For example, and quadrant have a curved front that makes the cubicles more spacious from the inside while saving space in the bathroom. While rectangular shower cubicle can be great for bathroom corners. It is suggested that you carefully consider your bathroom layout before deciding about the enclosure

Where You Want to Install the Shower Enclosures and Trays?

The place where to install the shower enclosures and trays inside the bathroom is also an important factor. It will highly affect the sort of cubicle to opt for and how good it looks in that place. Are you planning to install it anywhere along the wall or corners of the bathroom? In case, your bathroom is not very big bathroom then, we suggest you opt for corner area as it will offer better use of space and look great. 

What Type of Shower Door do You Want to Install?

The door for shower cubicle is also an important consideration. You have several kinds of doors available. However, it all based on the shape of the cubicle. You may decide from the pivot, bifold, or sliding doors as per your needs. A pivot door requires outside clearance space. That is why if you want to choose it, then ensure you have enough space outside the door. Similarly, the bifold can be folded inside to open that does not require clearance space, and the same is true for the sliding door option. 

Browse Shower Enclosures and Trays at Royal Bathrooms UK

We have discussed several important things that you must be taken into care when buying Shower Enclosures and Trays. By keeping these in mind, it will become very easy for you make the right choice of cubicle for your bathroom. Lest you have taken the measurements of the available space and intend to explore your option of cubicle types. Then you can visit our website for a vast range of bathroom fittings and fixtures available at the lowest prices. 

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