Home Digital Marketing All about ASO and Its Role in App Store Success

All about ASO and Its Role in App Store Success

by William beel

App Store Optimization is the latest buzz-word among marketers who are constantly on the lookout for optimizing an app on the app store. While it is still new as far as marketing techniques are concerned, it is also technical and takes a bit of deeper understanding to succeed at it. It is very similar to SEO and helps in generating organic downloads as well as ranking for an app on the app store. This, in turn, is expected to lead to higher revenues for the app developers as well as businesses.

Here is some insight into why ASO matters most for app store success and how it can be done with the help of an app store optimization company.

App Store Optimization – The Concept

ASO is all about improving an app’s web presence. It is sometimes alternatively referred to as app SEO. It helps in increasing app downloads, improving conversion rates, increasing the number of positive feedbacks and also helps in improvising the app’s discoverability. ASO can help in improving organic user acquisition as compared to other mobile marketing strategies. It helps in improving the app’s ranking, thereby ensuring that it is more available on the app store. 

Organic Optimization

ASO strategy needs to have organic search optimization as the key focus. It is ideal to ensure the integration of app stores within the entire marketing gambit. ASO strategy can begin to focus on a keyword search for ASO, deep linking within mobile apps, app name, URL optimization etc. to succeed. Websites can play a big role in driving volumes directly towards app download section or app store. 

From Impressions to Installs

Ranking of keywords does not guarantee installs when it comes to ASO. There needs to be messaging combined with a creative presentation in the app store listing. While looking at an app’s screenshot, users should be able to make out its features and offerings. Users spend only a few seconds in reviewing an app before they decide upon installing it or otherwise. These few seconds have to be tapped upon as part of the ASO app store optimization strategy. The apps, which stand out are the ones, which study trends and integrate creative elements that attract more users.

Continued Maintenance

ASO is an ongoing process and should not be considered as a one-time project. After generating organic traffic, businesses should continuously try to increase conversion rate and build a strong user base. Constant monitoring and performance analysis are the two most important factors that a digital marketing agency will always focus upon. This also requires staying up to date with Google’s algorithms and following all necessary regulations. The idea is to never lose touch and keep the momentum steady when it comes to consumer outreach.

A lot of people tend to mistake ASO to be cramming of keywords and generating fake reviews. If anything, ASO is definitely not about this. ASO app store optimization will not happen overnight. It requires a combination of efforts, which will place the business’s app at the top of search results and attract more users.

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