Cloud of Daggers is a fifth edition of the famous Waterborne assassin game. While the fifth edition doesn’t have as many new features as the previous versions, it does have a number of improvements. One of those improvements includes a new story for the game. Let’s take a look at what we’ll find in this fifth installment of the game.
The story begins with the death of an archmage. A member of his court committed a crime that resulted in the death of a vizier and her lover. As a result of this crime, the archmage sends his Viziers to investigate the death and discover the identity of the culprit. What the viziers do not know is that this crime was done by a cloud of daggers. The viziers use their magical powers to confuse the blades of the dead mage into confusion. This confusion results in the individual blades turning against their own maker, thus releasing a powerful magical force known as daggers.

Using their magical powers the viziers and their allies then turn against the dark priest and his cult of evil. Once the three of them are defeated by the priests, the veil between the living and the dead is broken. With this victory, the surviving blade is allowed to fall into the hands of its rightful owner – the one who cast the Cloud of Daggers spells upon the deceased mage.
The combat system of Cloud of Daggers is similar to previous editions. You have a standard attack and standard defense skill. The weapon you are using is your dagger, which has both a sword and a hand blade. When you cast a spell or use a ranged weapon to deal damage you are dealing damage in the form of either damage over time or damage with a burst skill. A single target can be killed instantly if you take enough damage to disable or drain the attacker’s life force.
In 5e, the Daggers Last Skill allows the wielder to throw their dagger and cause a cloud of daggers to envelop the enemy. The daggers will last for a number of rounds, depending on how long the enemy is in range. The daggers will be traveling at a fast pace, but they will not be able to hit anything for a few rounds unless they move. If they move, the daggers will be traveling much faster, but will still be unable to reach the enemy.
There are two major differences between Cloud of Daggers 5e and the earlier games in the series. First, in 5e, you have the ability to polymorph into a bat. This is a very cool ability, and it lets you hide in the shadows, allowing you to ambush your unsuspecting enemies without being seen. When you enter a battle, invisibly (though still using stealth detection as well) you can cloak yourself and become a nimble thief or a skilled warrior, and blend right into your opponents’ attacks.
Second, when you cast a spell that creates a cloud of daggers, you can choose whether or not you want to hurt the subject that you are attempting to poison. If you don’t, you may end up killing them instead of making them more powerful. Although this feature is not something I would suggest casting, it is still useful. For example, when you are trying to steal an object, but the object is already owned, you can use the poison to make them weak or tired before entering into a battle where you can kill them without harming them. You can also use a portion of enchant weapon poison to make them less likely to attack you in the first place.
Overall, a Cloud of Daggers spell is powerful when used properly, but takes a fair bit of practice to perfect. The best thing to do if you plan on casting this is to read the book to get a clear understanding of how the process works. It will take some time to memorize all of the details, but if you think you can, it will pay off in the long run. This is also a great option for both offense and defense and should be considered for any level of a spell caster. If you want to be even better at spells, consider taking a class that allows you to learn additional spells along with casting the original Cloud of Daggers.

A Book on How to Do Spells in Cloud of Daggers
Cloud of Daggers 5e continues to please with its rules, fiction, and characters. This supplement continues to add cool features to the previous releases and seems to have succeeded in its niche. As always, it is a player vs. player game with the illusion twist. However, it takes on an entirely different feel once you aren’t actively involved. You can easily pick this book up and get lost as you slink along the familiar path towards Vampires, werewolves, and zombies.
Cloud of Daggers 5e is very descriptive in that, just defining a difference between non-magic and magical bludgeoning. It also has powerful slashing, stinging, and piercing spells. Non-magic creatures with non-magic weapon immunity would certainly not be able to withstand the light of a standard flashlight. The book also lists where each of these power levels comes from so that GMs can create characters compatible with the setting.
In addition to having many different means to affect the flow of energy, the various daggers of the book all have a specific distance range for when they are in effect. This makes it a great reference for a ranged attack as it lets you know what distance you have to reach the target if you want to. Saving throws are at a minimum for all damage dealt with a cloud of daggers 5e. The duration and level of the saving throw are specifically worked out in the individual spells, and you should always use them to your advantage.
When you cast a cloud of daggers 5e spell, you are affecting not only one target but multiple targets within range. Once you begin the casting, the circular pattern takes about a minute. You will notice that your arms are shimmering as you cast this spell. Your arms will move in a smooth fashion, as you move your hands back and forth. At the end of the minute, a shimmer will appear just before your eyes and from there, a mass of colorful energy will fly out from your fingertips and surround your body.
The cloud of daggers 5e has one weakness, its vulnerability to fire. If you or one of your party members accidentally casts a fire damaging spell on it while in effect, it will be destroyed immediately. You can avoid this however by having some sort of protection spell or shield spell on it. If you can, try to protect it from high-level destruction spells. If you are playing a thief, make sure you are wearing some sort of protection. This can help protect it from high damage attacks, although I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it against one-man attacks.

If you have trouble with casting time, don’t worry, this isn’t the book for you. The sorcerer class in this book is really all about how you use your spells and your abilities. It’s not concerned with the intricate details surrounding the different spells. In fact, you’ll spend more time memorizing spells and doing the math to see when you’ll need to use them. That being said, if you like keeping your spellcasting as streamlined as possible, this book is for you. It’s also easy to read, so even if you’re not terribly familiar with the sorcerer class, this shouldn’t be too hard for you to pick up.
The five elements are divided up between Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. Each of these has a different color that represents its presence. When you enter a cloud of daggers, this colored area will turn black. You will know when the spell is entering when a bolt of color appears around you. The damage that this bolt of light does can do is very intense, so you’ll want to avoid it.
If you can avoid it, the best way is to move as far away from the storm as you can, then cast a Clairvoyance to look at the area and see if there are any dark masses or other dangerous things that can cause trouble. This can save you a lot of damage from the swirling cloud of daggers that are constantly appearing. This book is extremely helpful, especially if you have never done this type of spell before.